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    Teachers E-Transfer Policy Procedure Objectives & Benefits

    Teachers e Transfer Policy Procedure Objectives & Benefits
    By MRF March 10, 2020

    Now a days, Modern technology has helped increase productivity. Humans sometimes fail to deliver on time & quality. Most of the countries have integrated modern technology in their departments, increasing output and allowing for more consistent quality.
    e-Transfer is a great step by the Government of Punjab. It’ll surely facilitate all the teachers, as well as, clerical staff. We congratulate to Govt of Punjab & Teachers for this extraordinary step. Wish you the very Good Luck with your start.
    What are Key Objectives of E-Transfer Policy?
    Following are the key objectives of E-Transfer Policy:
    • Make the transfer process transparent & merit oriented
    • Make the transfer process systematic, credible & reliable
    • Minimize human interference, favoritism & tackle corruption
    • To enforce stipulated timelines (during summer break)
    • To help avoid frequent transfers all year round
    What is the Procedure of Online e-Transfer Application?
    Online e-Transfer Procedure goes through following steps:
    • Transfer/Posting will only be done online, via Transfer App
    • Once Transfer application have been submitted, the e-Transfer system will auto generate wait-list of applications for each school & post it online.
    • Teachers can raise objections against his/her own rank in the waitlist or that of others.
    • The concerned transferring authorities will have online access to review, approve or reject received applications based on waitlist order
    • The concerned transferring authorities will get verification of the documents from concerned issuing authorities
    • For approved applications, Transfer orders with QR-Code will be auto generated from the system, for applications that meet all criteria & documentation authenticity requirements
    The following PDF clearly shows the whole e Transfer Process.

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