Thursday, March 13.
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    Promotion During Long Leave/Study Leave

    The question of promotion during long leave or during study leave has been dealt with in Rule 20 of Promotion Policy 2010 with a caption of “Promotion in Absentia”. Here is the elaboration of the said rule for the facility of fellow employees:
    Rule 20 of Promotion Policy 2010 runs as under:
    1. Promotion in Absentia
    The cases of officers/officials proceeding on deputation, long leave, working against posts outside their cadre shall be dealt with as under:
    (1)On deputation with an Autonomous Organization or another Government viz. Federal Government or another Provincial Government.The case of the officer should be considered on his turn and, if cleared, he should be informed of the decision and given an option to revert back to his parent department in his own interest within three months. In case the officer concerned reverts back to the parent department within this period, he should be promoted and allowed to retain his original seniority, otherwise he should be considered for promotion only on return from deputation.
    (2)On deputation with a Foreign Government or International Organization.The deputationist should be considered only after he has returned to Pakistan and earned one full year PER.
    (3)On training abroad.The case of an officer who is on training abroad for a period of less than 6 months or he is due to return within a period of 6 months, should be considered on his turn and in case he is cleared for promotion, he should get his promotion on return from training and satisfactory completion of the course.
    The case of the officer who is on training abroad for more than 6 months or he is due to return after six
    months, should be considered on his return and satisfactory completion of the course.
    (4)On long leave.The case of an officer who is on leave for a period of less than 6 months or he is due to return within a period of 6 months should be considered on his turn and in case he is cleared for promotion, he should get his promotion on return from leave.
    The case of the officer who is on long leave for more than 6 months or is due to return after six months should be considered on his return from leave.
    The case of the officer who is on leave for more than 2 years should be considered after he has returned from leave and earned one full year’s PER.
    (5)Holding a job under his own department/ Government but outside his own cadre.A civil servant will be promoted in his own cadre. Those posted against ex-cadre posts will be considered for promotion on their turn. If cleared for promotion, the actual promotion will take place only when they rejoin their parent cadre.
    (6)On contract appointment.Where a civil servant, during the period of contract appointment, becomes due for promotion in his own cadre or service, he shall be deferred for promotion and shall only be eligible for consideration for promotion on his return from the contract appointment. Where a civil servant is promoted on his return from contract appointment, he shall not be eligible for grant of proforma promotion. However, he shall be allowed to retain his original seniority in his cadre.
    It is thus crystal clear that an employee being on long leave of more than six months is not eligible for consideration in DPC and will be promoted after joining back if he is to return from leave after six months. However, if the employee is on long leave of more than two years, he will be considered for promotion after joining and earning a full ACR.

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